Friday, February 19, 2010

So I was thinking...

What if life was like a giant fractal image? You can zoom in and out infinitely and each planet is a cell within a body... or zoom down and each living being is a cell within a planet, and we all have cells within us, which have smaller pieces within them and cells adapt and change like animals adapt and change and planets adapt and change and the universe adapts and changes... Gah, all the cause of this video

but the funny part is I've thought this before, Im sure others have too... but once it's remembered it kinda bugs me for a while. Then I kinda wonder if we're like a cancerous cell. Ever mutating building, spreading faster... maybe something like asteroids are the universes immune system trying to put us in place... ah crap.

All this thinking because I've just lost my job and now have an idle mind...

Monday I plan on getting on top of getting back to order.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

as the title says

Decided I'm actually going to use this thing... see if I can get (read:keep) the ball rolling. Figure with my job I'm always driving around Nassau/Suffolk/Queens and could find some funny shit to post... witty updates etc. With the FD I can post fun stuff like the extrication class I'm currently getting state certified in (for those who don't know that the Hurst Tool or the "Jaws of Life"). Plus this would be a great outlet to get feedback on some side work I'm doing with desktop publishing...

Let's face it. I work 11+ hour days, I'm a not only a Vol. firefighter but also am responsible for the training aspect of the other members, I have a side job where I'm the boss and I also have a great GF that I wish I could spend more time with. So really, how much time will I have to dedicate to this... we shall see...

Also probably a good place to "let off some steam"... although I've never been upset or unhappy with life I have sometimes felt like it's missing something... perhaps that's why I do so much more stuff than I could handle in a healthy way... but c'mon folks, who needs sleep?

I'll also post on here about the lap band surgery. Progress, thoughts, anxieties and all the other good stuff. Anxious as hell right now, just got the phone call today that "all is in order" and I'm just waiting for a call from the surgeon to set up a date, it's looking like beginning of March. Feel like I'm letting my FD brothers/sisters down though because I'm the guy who's been bringing the new guys into their first fire for many years now... and I've also got the younger members under my wing... and this year at the academy I probably won't be able to. I really really enjoy training these guys/gals how to do this shit... maybe I should become an FSA instructor...

Well, almost 2300hrs... that means if I go to sleep now I can get about 5.5hrs of sleep... that's a good amount for me!