Friday, January 28, 2011

Tedium has never been so...


There's something about not having to go into work each day and see my ex anymore that's just... ah. If you know me (and you should if you're reading this) you know I worked for my ex's family's business even after I broke up with her (trying to kill me is a deal breaker, sorry girls!). You also know that she was not very pleasant to deal with during... errr, um, I mean after the relationship. Hindsight, thou art so clear.

So, anyway, Friday the 14th the predictable happened, I was let go for "lack of work". Currently I am looking for something new but the job market stinks. Since I got let go I have been getting lots of sleep, working out for 45 mins-1 hour each morning and taking care of stuff at the firehouse (who doesn't like admin work?). I guess it's something for now, thankfully I am a saver and have a little cash hidden away.