Monday, March 15, 2010

Fucking wind and rain...

So I've basically been up since 1:20pm on Sat. running fire calls or something else weather related. I was told we did 73 or 74 calls yesterday and there were like 20 or so today. These consisted of one working building fire, 2 gas main breaks and many many trees down/wires down/electrical fires. Then when I went home Sat night my block was not fully powered so we kept having issues with the heating system and other things around the house... going home to sleep yielded a whole one hour if I was lucky.

Today we had a fun call too! House had all the above ground electrical running in the back yard and the transformer fell, remained energized and charged the chain link fence on the sides and rear of the house. Moron LIPA supervisor was like "power is shut down" as the fence was arcing into the ground and lighting nearby things on fire... great. After they pulled their heads out of their asses they shut it down, about 30 minutes later...

All this and I never even mentioned that Sat night was supposed to be the annual Dept Dinner, the Volly Prom, Dog and Pony Show... and all the inactive members were there to pat themselves on the back while the real people were running calls like mofo's. Don't get me wrong, if you're an old member who's past the point of being an active "call runner" by all means go to the dinner. However when there's a probie there drinking and having a ball fuck him (just also so happens to be the probie who was in my recent extrication class who would rather not gear all the way up and drink a water while a commissioner busts his ass with hand tools, then wouldn't follow my orders... douche.). I signed up to be a firefighter, the volley prom is a sorry to my significant other  for always running out on calls or drills etc. Ugh...

So yeah, no sleep... I'm beyond the point of tired now. Also missed filing for my unemployment insurance and working on the sales book because I was out running around. Perhaps I can put in a little more time on the book and call and get help back-filing the unemployment...

My surgery is also around the corner... starting to get ready for it. Have to go out tomorrow and get stuff for my special diet for the pre-surgical and post-surgical periods. Tomorrow (Mon) was going to be my last day of real food before the 10 day liquid diet but Im going to do 5-Guys with Jen as my last meal on Tues night, may as well send myself off right!

Ok, let me get back to trying this sleep shit... I have a lot to do tomorrow (today... shit...) and need to rest up since I havent slept for crap.

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